The Cordell Sum Sure calculator is an online tool to help you work out your home sum insured. It was created by Cordell, an independent company that provides building replacement cost calculators that have been in use overseas and in New Zealand for several years.
The Cordell Sum Sure calculator does not provide advice but gives you an estimate of typical building replacement costs. It does not take into account every possible feature of a home - only the features and information that it asks you, the customer, to input. Most of the questions asked can be easily answered by the homeowner, such as how many levels to the home? and what are the exterior walls made of?
It's important for you to be aware that the Cordell Sum Sure calculator will only provide an estimate based on typical building replacement costs. The cost of replacing a home will depend on the specific details of the home such as the materials it is made from and it's finish quality. You're responsible for deciding whether the estimate provided by the calculator is right for you to use it as the sum insured for your home or rental property.